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[Graph RecognizePoesiaSoft

Description: 法国人写的opensource的过滤色情图片的检测程序,来自于PoesiaSoft-Frenchman written opensource filter pornographic pictures of the testing process, from PoesiaSoft
Platform: | Size: 182538 | Author: pinnacle | Hits:

[Graph RecognizePoesiaSoft

Description: 法国人写的opensource的过滤色情图片的检测程序,来自于PoesiaSoft-Frenchman written opensource filter pornographic pictures of the testing process, from PoesiaSoft
Platform: | Size: 182272 | Author: pinnacle | Hits:


Description: Java版色情图像过滤入门示例及源码模拟绿坝过滤机制-Introduction to Java version of pornographic image filtering example and source analog filtering mechanism Green Dam
Platform: | Size: 282624 | Author: 张庆庆 | Hits:


Description: 法国人写的opensource的过滤色情图片的检测程序,来自于PoesiaSoft-Frenchman written opensource filter pornographic pictures of the testing process, from PoesiaSoft -POESIA (Public Opensource Environment for a Safer Internet Access) is an opensource internet content filtering project partly funded by the European Commission (DG INFOSOC- safer Internet Action Plan)- see http://www.poesia-filter.org/ for details
Platform: | Size: 4232192 | Author: jgqwhucs | Hits:

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